Yesterday we left Titusville and drove to Miami, on the way we encountered traffic and almost ran out of gas, once we found a gas station we couldn't find our way back to the freeway, wasting 45 minutes driving in circles. We had to pay for two toll roads, one in the wrong direction. We eventually found a nice hotel with a pool, which I swam in.

Today we are going to drive to key largo, where we will hopefully camp at John pennekamp corral reef state park.
Photos of the NASA VAB (vehicle assembly building, see previous post for more information), edited with fx photo studio (for iPhone), original in bottom right.
2/8/2012 06:58:30 am

No pictures of the toll booths?? ;)

Can't wait to hear about Key Largo!

Take Care,

kendrick moore
3/8/2012 12:23:37 am

hi patrick, I hope to hear more about key largo. I dont know if you know this but I will tell you regardless, evidence of the god particle(also known as the higgs boson partical)has been discovered!!
if your staying at a place with wi-fi I recomend you look it up. also this school year we are going back to marin head lands!

Patrick Leiser
3/8/2012 02:15:50 am

Reply to Kendrick: "I dont know if you know this but I will tell you regardless, evidence of the god particle (also known as the higgs boson particle)has been discovered!!" yes, my mom showed me a report on yahoo news. "if you're staying at a place with wi-fi I recommend you look it up." there is rarely wifi, but we use my mom's iPhone, which (usually) has phone service, and if we need a computer use the iPhone's personal hotspot. " this school year we are going back to marin head lands!" great!

P.S. how is your dad doing, I heard he got injured on his bike?

Comments are closed.


    I am Patrick Leiser and this is a blog for a vacation I am going on this Summer (summer of 2012) on it you can track my progress on my way to Washington D.C. and back.


    August 2012
    July 2012
    June 2012
    May 2012


    At Home
    Washington D.C.

    My location. (approximate, can only update occasionally (when I have access to computer))